Allowing companies to transform speech into structured data to train AI models
Zoom Media, a speech recognition software company and BrainCreators are partnering to combine the best AI specialists with state-of-the-art speech recognition models. This partnership will allow companies to transform speech into structured data to train AI models. In turn, this will enable businesses to dramatically enhance the customer experience.
BrainCreators is a team of AI experts that offers an end-to-end lean AI workflow solution with implementation services on top. Moving forward, all the language models that Zoom Media has to offer will be available for BrainCreators’ projects. Zoom Media’s speech recognition has a higher accuracy than similar models offered by Google and others. Additionally, their language models are customizable across industries including finance, politics, and healthcare. The following languages will be added to the BrainCreators AI model repository Danish, Dutch (a 8 khz model to handle phone calls and a generic 16khz model to handle all other audio content), English (US), Flemish, Filipino, Finnish, Norwegian and Swedish.
In the coming months, BrainCreators and Zoom Media will collaborate on improving existing models and exploring new opportunities. Together they will provide end-to-end natural language processing solutions to a broad international market.
“Having already worked on the Smart Radio project together with BrainCreators, strengthening our relationship this way was a logical next step. As Founder and CEO of Zoom Media I’m proud that our specialism, speech recognition, is recognized by these AI-specialists as a valuable add-on to their offering.” Abderrahim Aït Ben Moh, Founder and CEO Zoom Media.
“We have tested a lot of different speech to text solutions over the years on various projects. Zoom Media’s solution is the very best we could find. This partnership adds another valuable component to our BrainMatter Lean AI platform.” Jasper Wognum, Co-Founder & CEO, BrainCreators.
BrainCreators and Zoom Media collaborated on the Google-funded Smart Radio project for BNR that won the Marconi Online Award last month. The project applies Zoom Media’s Dutch speech recognition model and BrainCreators AI expertise to curate personalized playlists in real-time.
About Zoom Media
Zoom Media is specialized in developing cutting-edge speech recognition software. Their speech to text software transcribes audio in real-time or in batch mode.