Faster, more consistent, and more cost-efficient inspections impact sustainability, maintainability, and public safety by efficiently monitoring our environment and alerting us to issues.
BRAINCREATORS directly impacts the future of work by offering digital inspection products to solve the growing problem of human domain expert scarcity.
We augment human inspectors' performance by digitalizing their workflow and assisting them in repetitive components, allowing a sharp focus on the results.

We are here to bring repetitive inspection work into the digital domain and present the results as actionable insights in cutting-edge user experiences. We augment human experts with digital inspection products.
As a result, we empower the industries that positively impact our common future, and our products contribute to closing the human skills gap.

Applying technologies like machine learning, or more broadly, AI will allow us to spend less time on repetitive tasks and shift our attention to making changes that impact the sustainability of our environment and natural resources.

We love our customers.
We inspire our teams.
We create digital inspectors
Collaboration is key in the future of work.

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Headquarters, AmsterdamOUR COMPANY HISTORY
When a new wave of AI hype emerged, founders Gerbert Kaandorp, Peter Eijk and Jasper Wognum wanted to explore the potential of B2B AI and started BRAINCREATORS in June of 2016, right after their previous adventure in AI as LookLive (fashion recognition).2016 - BUILDING REPUTATION
BRAINCREATORS set out to explore the use cases for AI technology in a business context and tried a bit of everything. Quickly, our reputation as a result-driven expert applied AI company was build.2017 - THE BIRTH OF BRAINMATTER
It was all consultancy until we found our sweet spot in computer vision based on deep learning algorithms. Looking at cases we did for Tata Steel Europe and Vodafone Ziggo we decided to focus on building a software platform to facilitate such cases. BrainMatter was born.2018 - ONE DIRECTION
Customers were having a very hard time defining business cases for AI-based computer vision. It was time to focus our proposition around a specific use case. A large investment and a fully dedicated team was appointed to BrainMatter.2019 - GLENN BROUWER JOINS THE TEAM
In 2019 Glenn Brouwer joined BRAINCREATORS as ‘late’ co-founder, to strengthen our team with international business leadership and software solutions selling experience. Together we started the next phase in our journey and transformed BRAINCREATORS from an AI consulting company to a product company.2019 - CLOSING THE SKILLS GAP
To accelerate sustainable growth and profitability with the help of AI, we started to focus on closing the skills gap by transforming human expert knowledge into digital inspector products. The concept of digital inspectors was born.2019 - IT'S A BIRD!
Our first applied AI solution ARA (Automatic Recognition and Annonymization) was deployed at Schiphol Amsterdam Airport. ARA is used to count people in specific areas of the building to minimize risks that come with large crowds.2020 - THE BIRTH OF INSPECH
Together with our Dutch partner UNIHORN, we started developing INSPECH, a digital inspector for automated road inspection that automatically detects, recognizes and classifies road damage and presents the results as applicable insights on a dynamic digital twin map.2020 - BEST NEW ECOSYSTEM PARTNER
IBM Netherlands rewarded BrainCreators with an IBM Best New Ecosystem Partner Award during the Night of the Stars Gala. IBM chose BrainCreators over KPN and Wipro, who were also nominated.2021 - TEAM BUILDING FURTHER
As growth is based on strong financials, we completed the team in 2021 with Marco de Pater who is making sure we are financialy well presented to our key stakeholders and potential investors.2022 - THE BIRTH OF SORTBOTICS
In June 2022, BrainCreators, BEMI, and Naaijkens Innovative Design introduced a high-tech total solution for e-Waste sorting tasks. SortBotics recognizes, separates and sorts mixed residual objects and waste streams at product level and improves sustainable and circular processes for manufacturing and recycling companies.2022 - THE BIRTH OF SEAGULL
Another bird joins our growing suite of market viable products in September 2022. SEAGULL Harbor Surveillance offers insights into the activity in harbors by monitoring the incoming and outgoing traffic of vessels. It first spread its wings at the port of Scheveningen in September 2022.2022 - A BRAND NEW OFFICE
Not without emotion, BRAINCREATORS leaves behind its old office at the Prinsengracht in downtown Amsterdam. We are now housed in The Flow, a high-tech office building at the Moermanskkade in the creative heart and harbor of Amsterdam. The futuristic building fits seamlessly with our company's activities.